Keep showing up for YOURSELF, whether you feel it or not, even if you’re afraid.
One day YOU will arrive, you’ll show up and you won’t be afraid anymore, you’ll no longer simply say “this is the reason I exist”, you’ll FEEL IT in every fiber of your being.
That day, in that moment, when terrified, low self confidence, approval seeking self MEETS comfortable, confident, I WAS CREATED ON PURPOSE FOR A PURPOSE AND I FINALLY BELIEVE THAT I AM ENOUGH SELF ..
My friend this is the moment when YOU, your best self in your original form has arrived just as you were fearfully and wonderfully designed to!
It will happen, but only if you keep showing up every day FOR YOU, even when/if no one else does, you have to! Why, because it’s so much bigger than you! There is a huge puzzle to which your piece is required to complete.
WE MUST! 🤟🏾✊🏽
“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” -Galatians 6:9 KJV