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Work With Gwen


Have you been crippled by death, divorce, or one of the over 40 different types of loss?


When you look in the mirror,  do you not recognize the person you see?


Are you plagued with low self-esteem, the inability to say no, or fear of rejection?

Gwen is a firm believer that there is a healing power in feeling safe and being heard.  Her mantra, “Safety, Freedom, Healing!”  She works hard to make you feel safe, once you feel safe, you are free to share your unfiltered truth. Once your truth is spoken, honored, and received, we become an unstoppable team with one mission, your freedom!

Here are 2 ways to work with me

There is life after loss!

I'm Proof!


If you've found yourself here, there is a high probability that you, or someone you love is suffering from a broken heart. Is it due to a death, divorce or another major loss? If so you might feel sad, distracted, or confused. You are not alone. The Grief Recovery Method has been helping people feel better following a loss for 40 years.


I'm an advanced Grief Recovery Specialist and I have partnered with The Grief Recovery Institute to equip you with the tools necessary to recover from ANY loss.  Allow me to guide you on this 8 week, life changing journey to facing your past and regaining control of your future.  Let me help you navigate through the forest of grief and restore confidence, value, freedom, and peace.


1-on-1 Emotional Wellness Coaching

One that does not face the pains of her past, robs herself of experiencing the beauty of her future.  This life-changing action program is designed to give you the tools and the safety required to complete the normal and natural reaction to loss that we call, grief.  This is a journey that we walk together. The program includes 8-10 hours of one-on-one private coaching and accountability with Gwen, The Grief Recovery Method handbook, virtual support in between sessions and access to “The Inner Circle” our exclusive online community for continued support.

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