INCREDIBLE TALK on how women are socialized to be perfect and not brave!
“Socialize girls to be imperfect and they will build a better world for themselves”
Do listen, it’s only 12 minutes, it’s so true! I struggled with perfectionism for years, honestly it is one of the reasons I don’t try. That dreadful phrase, “failure is not an option” keeps many from trying!
Perfection is a prison! A box that confines you and keeps you from reaching your full potential. It’s a dream snatcher and a purpose killer!

I dream of becoming a bold, confident, inspiring speaker. Females need to see other females thriving and young girls need to see what their future could look like. But time after time, my voice is muted and my powerful message goes unheard because of this paralyzing fear of getting on stage and being unable to deliver a flawless speech. The heart is there, the message is there, the confidence is there. But I’ve been crippled by the false belief system that I was taught as a child, “whatever you do, be the best at it.” Powerful words meant to inspire continually hold me hostage! Because I was taught, if I can’t be perfect then I can’t do it at all!
Be free from perfectionism today! Perfection is a myth, dare to try. Consider failure to be a learning experience not a punishment. Failure does not equal exile! Failure means you were brave enough to try!
In science, we have this saying, that negative data is still good data! We can work on an experiment for years and never achieve the result that we desire. However, even without the novel discovery, we‘ve had the opportunity to learn what doesn’t work and that’s good information too.
Live outside of the box.
Go DO! Go BE! Go TRY!
Be perfectly imperfect and teach your daughters and your students that perfection is not required!