Happy first day of school parents and children. Momma’s with kids that are growing up, I’m praying for strength as you send them to their next level. Yes, your babies are growing up, but what a blessing it is to see the fruits of all your labor and sacrifice.
I know you may feel like you are “losing” them or they don’t “need” you anymore but know this, children ALWAYS need their parents, as they age, they will need you differently. They need your SUPPORT and positive affirmations, they need your STRENGTH when life is hard and they are faced with things they don’t understand, they need your PRAYERS as they walk into the unknown and search for their place, and they need your EARS to listen to whatever maybe on their hearts at any given time. Finally, they need your UNCONDITIONAL LOVE as they strive to walk into their purpose, shape their identities, and work hard to make you proud.
Consider this, as fearful as you might be about them “growing up” and going to their next level, how much more afraid are they? How brave are our children to boldly walk away from the safety and comfort of their parents and boldly face a new teacher, new classmates, and for some a new and different environment!
I’m so proud of our babies and I’m proud of you parents! Praying for you, cheering for your you and leaving you with this scripture and hopefully peace in your minds and hearts . Alyssa chose our scripture this morning, we decided we would hang on to this one all year, couldn’t wait to share it with you.

Remember whose strengthening you, then walk boldly with confidence knowing that there is NOTHING you or your children CAN’T do! They are stronger than you know!
We’ve got this💪🏾!