Hey .. You! Yes .. YOU! The one that thinks you aren’t good enough. The one that believes you shouldn’t try because someone else has already done it, or can do it better. The one who believes you can’t do it because a teacher, someone you admired, or a parent said the dreaded, “you’ll never” phrase to you. The one who has heard, “you should, you are, or you are supposed to be” far too many times and as a result of not meeting the unrealistic expectations of another, feels like a failure. Have you not located yourself just yet? Ok, try this one, HEY YOU, the gifted and uniquely talented one that never makes a move because everyone sees it in you but you! HEY … YOU … YES, YOU … I’m writing to YOU!!
HEAR ME CLEARLY! No one can do what you can do like you can do it! No one laughs like you. No one cries like you. No one sings or speaks like you. No one believes like you. No one loves like you do. No one has the heart that you have and no one can see what you see!
So why do you keep trying to shove yourself into a circle hole when you clearly are a square? If you’re a dreamer, dream! If you’re a builder, build! If you’re a farmer, plant! If you’re a visionary, see! If you’re an organizer, establish order! If you’re a creative, create!
Because many won’t understand it is no reason for you not to do it! Perhaps you were created to teach us something new! We’ll never learn from you if you spend your life trying to be what someone told you we’re supposed to be. Know yourself, embrace yourself, be proud of yourself, and become uniquely, unapologetically, YOU! Sure, some may hate you for it. Yep, many will leave you because of it. But in the end, the world will respect you all the more for it!
“Be who you are, stand for what you believe, and let others know that your integrity matters more than their expectations and opinions” -Iyanla Vanzant
I believe in you, I love you, I’m rooting for you, I’m praying for you and I’m proud of you!
Love Always,