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Breaking Free: Empowering Voices, Shattering Isolation

Writer's picture: Gwendolyn J. JonesGwendolyn J. Jones

How Trusted Connections and Affirming Voices Propel Growth

Fear unrestrained will become the judge and the jury and sentence you to life in prison. It's a powerful force that will cuff you to contentment and mediocrity.

I was cuffed to contentment, I hid behind my husband, and I did everything in my power to remain in the background, so when this assignment called me to stand in the limelight alone.


When you find yourself at war, and the opponent is your own mind, three pieces of armor are required for conquest: Validation, a Reality Check, and Your Why.

Validation: establishing validity by authoritative affirmation.

In seasons of deafness and blindness, you must rely on the sight and sound of those you trust. When I could not see what was in me, my critical voices silenced my affirmations, and I did not have faith in myself two voices immediately came to mind: My Husband and my Pastor.

Two words, "You're Ready" and one statement, "The weight of what we carry changes when we consider we're being carried through it all" instantly brought relief and gave me strength. I held on to them tightly as I took each step. Validation is empowering, it will set you in motion, even when you must take steps in the dark.

We cannot continue to walk through life disconnected, we're stronger together. Isolation is an antagonist of purpose, a distorter of vision, and a muzzle.

Without trusted affirming voices, you'll find yourself blind, paralyzed, and voiceless.

Anyone who knows me or listens to my podcast KNOWS that I love my Pastor, what you might not know is this is the visionary who connected me with Grief Recovery and propelled me into purpose. This made absolutely no sense because I'd mastered playing it safe in the background at the time. He saw it, I trusted his voice and vision and took another step. I just kept trusting and taking steps. Now, I'm privileged to have led international grief groups and helped countless individuals through my practice, A Safe Place: Emotional Wellness Institute, LLC. I’m a published author, podcast host, and now a speaker, and I’m honored to serve in ministry with the incredible leadership team of the City Church of Goldsboro.

HOWEVER, had I remained in isolation cuffed to comfort and contentment, I would never have experienced my transformation. I would've been a window watcher, bearing the unbearable weight of watching, while knowing I CAN DO THAT TOO! Loneliness is often a choice, be intentional about finding trusted connections, you'll need them sooner than you think.

Pastor Terry D Jones, I'm grateful for your voice, discernment, validation, and vision. Thank you, and Happy Founder's Day Weekend PT!!

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Oct 12, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Beautiful. I’m so proud of you. 🥰

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