What a CRAZY weekend we’ve had, hubby and I knocked out 3 WEDDINGS (check out our FB page HeavenlySweetsBakery for pics) it was insane and we are TIRED but all of our brides were happy so it was totally worth it! HOWEVER, when we work like that, we are intentional about spending time with the kids! Asked them what they wanted to do and they chose frozen yogurt! Work/Life/Family is absolutely a balancing act. This family trip to sweet frog 🐸 did the trick! We sat, laughed, talked and took silly photos! Good Times. #Memories #WeRJones #COJ
The people in this photo are my support system. When I fail, or I’m tired and my friends and family are to busy, these three are ALWAYS in place. I don’t take that lightly. You can gain the entire world but what does it matter if you lose your family or miss those special moments during your pursuit. Pursuing your dreams is important but NOT at the expense of your family! As women, we are amazing multi taskers so we don’t have to choose between our careers and our family, but we do have to be intentional about balancing the two. It doesn’t have to be much, family time is simply disconnecting from your busy schedule for a few minutes to spend time with those you love. I’m always telling you how much you matter. Well today I’m letting you know that they matter too and it’s important to stop often and make sure they know it!
