Parenting is TOUGH! This picture should read, every “Parent” should remember … when you become a parent, you are held to a higher standard! Everything you do “COUNTS” every decision you make is important, someone’s life is literally depending on you! Parenting is difficult to navigate. Some things are clear cut, some things you just don’t know. You literally have to pray diligently, then sit and wait until you have peace. Once you have your peace about the matter, then you make your move! Parenting shouldn’t be rushed, it requires time and many talents. A parent should be informed, “study to show yourself approved.” It requires diligence and mental toughness, it is not for the weak. But the most important ingredient in this recipe is GRACE! Parenting requires so much grace, you have to love when you aren’t loved. Stand up and support even if there is a possibility of error. Sacrifice, turn offenses into teaching moments and a true parent, can look past facial expressions, body motions and words and see a pure heart! Parenting isn’t for the weak, but the reward is great and the impact you make on your children will be passed on for generations to come!
I dedicate this post to all parents out there trying! I see you and I’m here to remind you that your work is not in vain!
-One Proud Momma